Welcome. Thank you for joining me on a journey that I’ve been on for the past 7 years.
We are at the milestone release of FolioPro for MacOS and FolioPlayer for iOS, a pair of apps that have the potential to fundamentally change the way in which we buy, consume, share and save digital media.
At the start of the journey I wanted to create an iOS app that would allow me to create my own life story, and tell it chronologically in a way that was focused on stories, media and people. As I developed the application I came to realise that it could be used for much more than a life story. You could use it to tell any story, or to collate and curate your digital media on a particular subject.
One app became two as I separated the creation and the playback, and as the use case continued to broaden, I narrowed the idea down to a Folio – a digital scrapbook if you like.
FolioPro is a MacOS application that you can use to create and view folios and FolioPlayer is a simple viewer application for iOS. If you want to see what these apps can do, check out the showcase and tutorials sections where there are multiple examples of the use of folios.
I have spent many hours developing these applications over the past 7 years and on a few occasions I seriously wondered whether they would ever see the light of day, yet here we are with FolioPlayer now available to download from the iOS app store, and FolioPro just waiting on a discussion with Apple about the use of OpenAI to assist in the creation of folios.
Once again, welcome aboard, and enjoy the ride.
Phil John (@sexadegen)